How 3 Core Shifts in Marketing Automation Can Transform Your Business

The marketing automation industry has snowballed over the past few years, and yet it’s only just getting started.

According to Marketing Automation Insider, in the past five years alone, we’ve seen over $5.5B worth of acquisitions made, and an aggregate vendor revenues increase from $225M to $1.65B!

At the current rate of adoption and innovation, you may be wondering where marketing automation is headed, which trends are emerging, and how it will all benefit your business. Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll explore three major shifts in the marketing automation industry and how they’ll impact your businesses on both a macro and micro-level. Let’s get started…

1. Predictive analytics is making guessing a game of the past

One of the major trends emerging in the marketing automation industry is the use of predictive analytics and machine learning to power sales and marketing decisions.

Predictive analytics uses clever statistical models to identify what your customers will likely do next and then automatically uses those insights to trigger certain actions.

In 2012, Amazon filed a patent for a predictive analytics system that would allow them to begin shipping products before a customer even ordered them. (Crazy thought, right?!) But by predicting the probability of someone buying a product based on their behavior on the website and previous history, Amazon could reduce its shipping times and move product faster.

There are countless uses for this type of technology, but in the context of marketing automation, it provides the opportunity to eliminate guess work.

How long should you wait between sending two emails in a lead nurturing sequence? Which content (blogs, ebooks, etc) should you send to a certain type of lead? How should you score a lead from a particular marketing channel?

While experience tends to provide good answers to these questions, predictive analytics can provide dynamic answers that, like a good bottle of wine, become better over time, ultimately surpassing that of an experienced marketer’s hunch.

As a result of this, marketing and sales will become less of a guessing game. The most important consequence of this is that companies using predictive analytics will have the competitive advantage.

Predictive analytics adoption is still in its infancy, providing the innovative early birds with a great opportunity to get a head start. The question is, will it be you or your competitors that gain this competitive advantage?

2. Intelligent multi-channel marketing is becoming the norm

Tests have shown that when you target a customer both in their inbox with an email and on Facebook with a matching ad, the customer is 22% more likely to purchase, as opposed to if you had only sent the email.

In multi-channel marketing, the whole is usually greater than the sum of its parts. This is especially true when you add a layer of personalization into the mix, which is of course possible with marketing automation.

Let’s look at time for an example. Let’s imagine that you’re the marketing director of a company that sells kitchen appliances online.

A prospect named Molly visits your website and adds a fridge to her shopping cart (obviously a very large shopping cart.) Molly enters her details to check out but never completes the transaction.

In this situation your multi-channel strategy could look something like this:

  • After 30 minutes, an automated email is triggered encouraging Molly to complete her order (in case she got distracted by a phone call…or Game of Thrones).
  • Using retargeting through a sync with your marketing automation platform and Facebook, Molly sees an ad saying “Molly, are you refurbishing your kitchen?” and linking to a separate landing page. If this landing page is engaged with, Molly would be entered into a whole new sequence with upsells and offers incentivizing her to buy more items.
  • If after one day Molly still hasn’t bought the fridge, a text message could be sent asking if there’s anything your support team could answer or help her with.
  • If after several days later there’s still no purchase, a separate email and Facebook ad campaign could be triggered targeting Molly with different fridges and freezers relating to her original search criteria.

This type of multi-channel nurturing is immensely effective for a number of reasons:

  • It’s underused. Despite being very effective, few companies are running such hyper-personalized campaigns. This will likely change over the next few years, as more and more companies realize its effectiveness.
  • With more channels, you can capture more data from your customers, leading to more relevant targeting. The more relevant your targeting, the more likely a conversion will be.
  • It makes it virtually impossible to lose a customer due to distraction, as you’re able to communicate with the buyer across devices and platforms and at different times.

We’re likely to see a lot more multi-channel marketing over the next year or two. As marketing automation tools improve their offerings and features, and as more case studies emerge, more and more businesses will begin to use this powerful tactic.

Could this sort of multi-channel marketing help your business convert more leads into customers?

3. Marketing automation is becoming widely adopted

There are two colliding waves in the marketing automation industry that are converging to form a tsunami-like surge of businesses interested in marketing automation. These waves are 1) the increased awareness of the value of marketing automation and 2) the increasing impact and capabilities of marketing automation software.

Since 2012, the amount of case studies, articles, webinars, and events covering marketing automation has exploded, resulting in a heightened awareness of the impact of adopting a marketing automation solution.

Simultaneously, marketing automation software is becoming more and more powerful. With new features and functionality, such as real-time personalization and adtech-geared tools, as well as an increasing pool of experts readily sharing best practices, the scope of what marketing automation software can achieve is continuing to expand. Word—and excitement—is spreading like wildfire.

These two converging waves have an obvious result: more and more businesses (your competitors included) are implementing a marketing automation solution. As such, it pays to get ahead of the game and start building your marketing automation campaigns early. That way, by the time your competitors are building out their first campaigns, your business could have hundreds of active, fine-tuned campaigns already working on leads. Get to it!


As far as we can tell from the data, marketing automation is becoming smarter, more tailored, and more accessible. The combination of these trends explains why the industry has grown so rapidly over the past five years and why it does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

For business owners, the lesson here is simple and Darwinian: evolve now (aka get automating), or risk losing your market share to your competitors.

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3 Shockingly Simple Steps to Generate More Likes, Leads and Listings Using Facebook

Are you a realtor using Facebook and not generating the leads you’d like?

Are you spending wasting time on Facebook trying to “drum up business”?

Are you sick of hearing about other agents that have had success with Facebook, but you can’t figure it out?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this blog post is for you. This blog post will lay out exactly how you should be using Facebook to generate more leads, listings and profits. Follow these simple steps and you can control your lead flow.


I am going to lay out the three steps you need to become a top agent in your area. It really isn’t that difficult and please, please do not over-complicate this.

Step 1 – Drive Targeted “Likes” to Your Facebook Page

This is extremely important. I have underlined the word ‘targeted’ for a reason. Please do not get caught in the trap of “more likes = better” as that is not the case. Getting “likes” from people who will never buy from you is going to cost you money in the long run.

Please do not go and ask all your Facebook friends to “like” your page.

Or your Aunt Sue that lives 2,300 miles away to like you page.

Or your best friend from high school who now lives in Costa Rica.

I am sure these are all great people, but they are not your ideal client. Focus on the right fans.

Who are the right fans?

Your target market.

How do you define your target market?

Answer the following questions…

Who is your ideal client?

Who is most likely to buy/sell a home with you?

Who do you enjoy working with?

Write down your ideal client demographics and psychographics (personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles). This is who you’ll want to target on Facebook.

Example: Let’s say my target market is

  • 35 – 44 women
  • Live in Las Vegas
  • Who like Oprah


As you can see, in the image above, there are 14,000 women in my target market. This is who I would run ads to for page likes.

You can set up a small budget ($1/day is Facebook’s minimum), but I recommend starting with $5/day to start. You can expect to pay anywhere from $0.50 – $2.00 per like. It all depends on the targeting you do and the audience size.

Once you get this dialed in and are comfortable with the price you’re paying per like, you can let this campaign run.

Step 2 – Engagement

I know, “engagement” is such a buzzword. I am kind of sick of hearing it myself, but it is important.

Post Daily – You’ll want to post daily content to your page. Things that work well are local news stories, blog posts, DIY projects, local charity events, your story (most forget this and it is so important), motivational messages, your listings, testimonials and special offers likes ebooks, guides, tips on buying/selling, lead magnets.

You can take 20 minutes at the beginning of each week and schedule your posts for the week. This is not hard to do with an editorial calendar.

Step 3 – Promote Your Content

This is the final step and an important one. You’ll want to promote your content that is getting the best engagement. See what content is resonating with your audience and either boost the post or run Page Post Engagement ads.

In order to “boost” a post, you must have 50 likes on your page. If you do not have 50 likes, use page post engagement ads. I prefer those anyways.

I suggest boosting one post per day for 1 – 3 days. You want your target audience to get to “know” you before making an offer (ebook, guide and/or lead magnet). You want them to see that you are offering valuable content whether that is a blog post, a DIY project, a charity event or a local event.

The common problem I see is that most agents start with asking for something before providing value. It’s 2014 and building trust is crucial to success. If you can get them to “know, like and trust” you, you’ll have more business than you can handle.

A good problem to have, right?

Give first, then ask.


There is a “sweet science” to doing Facebook effectively. Follow the 3 steps I laid out and you’ll have more likes, leads & listings. You’ll become the top producing agent in your marketplace.

It takes work, but it is worth it.

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Even if we blog just as a hobby, it’s always nice to have people coming back to your website or blog. It must mean we are producing some good content, right? Not only that – it’s a fun way to make some friends! There are several important (but simple) things you can do to make sure people can not only find you again, but get your content shared and get more visitors to blog.

5 ways to get more visitors


There are tons of different types of social media follow plug-ins to choose from, and makes it really easy for people to find you again. This is often the first thing I look for when I find a new blog I like, or a post from a blog that I want to share. I get frustrated when I can’t find them, or they are all in a different place with a different widget. Especially if I want to share a post on Twitter, but can’t find their twitter handle!


Pinterest is a fantastic resource to help grow your blog. For this reason, it’s really important to have good quality pictures on your blog that people can pin and bring new visitors to your site! Ok, I get that good quality pictures might not be very ‘simple,’ and in fact sometimes can take a lot of work. But, you DON’T have to have a super fancy camera for this, either. All the pictures on my blog are taken with my iPhone! No, they may not be the BEST quality compared to some of the food photographers out there, but if you have good lighting and a good program for editing, you can make them look FoodGawker worthy.


I used to be very generic with my headlines. Or they were just kinda boring. Knowing how to write a catchy headline might take some work, but they can better drawer in readers! Sometimes, if you host or participate in link-ups, a generic headline might work for you. But I try to title my posts something I think a reader might want to see, instead of ‘WIAW #33,’ for example! You can learn how to write better headlines from HubSpot.

That being said, see if you can make them SEO friendly, too.


Take advantage of people scrolling through your site to hook them into staying a little bit longer. You can do this by using your footer!

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