8 Ecommerce SEO Tips

ecommerce seo tips

1. Effective Title Tag

The title tags on a page are a crucial part of your SEO. When crafting a title tag, create a tag that is a typical, search term for your product.

2. Quality Over Quantity

Paying for traffic that doesn’t lead to conversions is a waste of money. It’s great to rank – organically or paid – for the keyword “camera.” But long-tail terms such as “Canon EOS,” are more likely to reach customers closer to making a purchase.

3. Avoid Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is the enemy for search engines. However, since many e-commerce stores have a large amount of duplicate content of a result of product descriptions and lists, e-commerce sites tend to get penalized by search engines.

4. Use Schema.org

The formalized outlines found on schema.org will provide search engines to access to your data. Osmeloski stresses that the protocols found on schema.org, “help google crawl and also help return properly organized results for users.”

5. Page Load time

To keep users interested in your site you need to reduce the load time as much as possible. If your websites takes to long to load, you will find your users leaving before they even see your homepage.

6. Social Media

A business will not be successful just because of Social Media. You should encourage interaction as much as possible through reviews, forums and photo sharing. Google picks up on this as a positive influence and will rank you e-commerce higher in search because of it.

7. Blogging

Do you have a blog? If you don’t have a blog it is going to be hard to compete and rank your site. Not only is  a blog a great place to talk about frequently asked question on products or services, a blog is a place to share your expertise.

8. Google Places

If you have a brink-and-mortar store, take advantage of Google places. Google reports that one in five searches is related to location. If you have multiple storefronts, make sure they’re individually listed and include detailed information: business, hours, photos, live updates, etc.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.

Double Your Facebook likes in Just 5 Minutes per Day

double your facebook likes

There are more than 1 Billion active Facebook users around the world, and this number is continually growing. If Facebook users were all in one country, it would be the third largest country in the world. If you don’t already have your company on Facebook, now is the time to join. Follow these tips to increase your likes and connections on Facebook.

Make Connections

Connect with other Facebook page admins with a similar demographic to yours then across-promote with them.  For example Ice Cream shop owners can connect and cross promote with a pizza shop near them since they likely have the same customers.

Invite your email subscribers via email, provide them with a description and an incentive to like your page. There is also an email feature that can be used to advertise specifically to those who ignore your invite. You can advertise to them until they like your page.

Be Active

Comment on other pages where your target audience is already having conversations.

  • Start by liking the pages then keep an eye on their posts that pop up in your news feed.
  • Make sure your comment add to the conversation and help you build relationships.
  • Tread lightly when doing this, you don’t want to cross any lines and upset other page owners.


  • Share and tag your business page from your personal Facebook account
  • If you host any live events, take lot of photos then encourage your fans to tag themselves
  • Offer your fans discounts or specials

Host a Contest

It’s not free but may lead to more likes on your page.

You’ll have to pay for a Facebook app to run the contest, but they are inexpensive and easy to use. – Some popular contest apps include Rafflecopter, Wildfire Promotion, Builder and ShortStack. 

Use the contest to promote your service or product in the fun way. – According to contest app, the best duration for a contest is 25 or 60 days.

Promote your Facebook Pages

Promoting online, in emails and on your site is important, but it is also important to promote offline. Promote your Facebook page everywhere!

  • In your store window: display a Sign in your store window encouraging customers like your page.
  • Advertising: add links or info on your Facebook page to all types of advertising (magazine, newspapers, radio, TV).
  • Events: include your Facebook info on all promotional materials used at your event, whether it is a poster at your stand or on flyers you are handing out.
  • Business cards: use a simple customized user name that is easy for others to read and search for online.
  • Conversation: when you meet new people, make new connections, have phone calls or meetings mention your page and encourage them to like it.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.

6 Tips for Writing Content


1. Write for Humans – Optimize for Robots

…nobody wants to read SEO content, not even the search engines! Everything points to the fact that Google prefers natural content to obvious SEO staff. Moreover there’s no point in great rankings if your content doesn’t convert. So focus on your flesh and bone target audience. – but help the robots find your content.

2. Use related keywords, Synonyms & Grammatical variations

Google and other search engines use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to match search results to the intentions of the person performing the search. Using synonyms, related keywords, and grammatical variations is an easy way to make your content  more relevant – without stuffing the actual keyword into the copy. This is also an effecting way to target different search queries.

3. Answer your prospects’ questions

If your prospects have questions about your product or service, they will probably type those same questions into Google. Provide your prospects with content that delivers credible answers, and they’ll visit your site. Provide them with better answers than your competitors, and they’ll buy from you. Additionally answering questions is a great way of taking advantage of the long tail.

4. Get down with Google+

Google plus is going to play a bigger and bigger role in SEO. Moreover, the inevitable introduction of Author Rank means that Google will start connecting ranking factors to individual authors – not just the websites hosting  the author’s content. Setup your G+ profile, add your authorship markup, claim ownership of your content, build Author Rank and play an active role on G+. By doing so, you can boost the authority of every piece of content you produce – regardless of where it gets posted.

5. Avoid keyword stuffing

Recent algorithm updates have revolved around weeding out content intended to manipulate rankings. One of the main warning sings that Google looks for is keyword stuffing (i.e. content where the author obviously has gone of her way to staff as many keywords into the copy a possible). So try to use keywords only where they naturally would appear if you were writing for humans with no consideration for Google.

6. Remember the Alt text in your Images

Images seems to be playing bigger and bigger role in Google’s ranking factors. Remember to use relevant, original images and make sure to include keywords in your alt text. A good idea is to use the copy from the title tag as the alt text. Under all circumstances keep it short and snappy so it’s easy for Google to “read”. Moreover it’s a good idea to include a relevant keyword in the image file name.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.

Website Do’s and Don’ts

Website do's and don'ts


  • Do invest in creating and professional secure site for your business.
  • Do keep it simple-too much content, page copy or too many calls to action will overwhelm your prospects.
  • Do make it possible to contact you easily from your homepage.
  • Do create a navigation bar and bucket your content by theme and importance to our client.
  • Do use easy-to-read and simple colors and fonts.
  • Do aim for at least 250 words of text per page with keywords included and 1-3 aspirational images.
  • Do use Google Adwords Tool to determine the strategic keywords for your site SEO and copy.
  • Do add your Social Buttons and link to your business blog to grow your brand awareness and generate fresh content on your site.


  • Don’t underestimate the importance of a strong, easy-to-navigate site for generating more inquiries.
  • Don’t publish irrelevant content including too many links, videos on auto-play and distracting external ads.
  • Don’t make it hard for a prospect to find what they are looking for or they will leave within 10 seconds.
  • Don’t use too many colors and distracting or hard-to-read fonts.
  • Don’t include too much copy or images on each page, this will overwhelm your prospect and they will leave.
  • Don’t Underestimate the power of strong SEO-follow the key on-page factors for SEO and think ‘client first’ when determining your keywords.
  • Don’t forget to test what your website looks like from mobile devices, tablets, and across several internet browsers.
  • Don’t exclude past clients testimonials from your site 72% of consumers trust online recommendations as much as personal ones.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.

5 Ways to Drive Webiste Traffic

As far as strategies for driving traffic to your website go, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) reign supreme. They should certainly be an essential component of your online marketing strategy, but as a small business you probably don’t have a limitless budget for these efforts. Here are a few ideas to supplement your website traffic and conserve your marketing budget.

1. Comment on Other Blogs

Forge a good connection with bloggers in your niche by reacting and responding to their posts with thoughtful comment. Many blogs attracts thousands, even tens of thousands  of views but receive only a handful of comments. If you are one of the few people who add to the discussion, many readers will visit your site to learn more about you. You may even ear respect as a favorable commenter and get people to reply to you.

2.  Participate in tweetchats

Tweetchats are conversations on Twitter with a group of people who are conversing about a given subject, theme or idea. It´s easy to get started; simply search for a schedule of Twitter-based chats, find one that matches your passion and participate. Often these tweetchats attract upwards of 500+ participants, and you can develop thought leadership and opportunities to plug your business and content.

3. Support a Cause

Supporting a Cause and telling your customers, prospects, fiends and family is a great way to drive traffic to your site. People generally have a favorable view of a business that engages in philanthropic efforts. Social Media is a great platform for your audience to spread the buzz about a cause they (and you) care about or a mission they support.

4. Answer Questions and be Helpful 

Answering questions online is an effective way to become known in your industry as an expert. SItes like a Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn and Formspring are indexed well in search engines and display your name and URL along with your answer. An added benefit is that you can translate top questions and topics into blog posts, videos and more.

5. Use Social Bookmarking services

Social Bookmarking services such as StumbleUpon,  Digg and Delicious promote discovery of new and popular content. While not all of your content will be popular to everyone, if you tag and describe it to your target audience, it may resonate well and rise in popularity in those social circles. StumbleUpon is a service that helps people discover new and popular websites. Digg works similarly, where people submit articles for the court of public opinion to rank them higher. Delicious work by categorizing links and allowing new sites to earn spike in traffic and interest.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.