9 Proven Marketing Strategies For a Small Marketing Budget

  1.  Comment on blogs – a great way to get your website popular is to comment on other blogs. For this to work you have to leave comments on blogs that are related to your website and the comments you leave have to be insightful.
  2. Optimize your website for search engines – google is the most popular website on the internet so why you wouldn’t you leverage it? Through search engine optimization you can rank higher on google so you can get more visitors to your website.
  3. Google local – search is becoming more and more personalized. When you perform a search on google you’ll start noticing that the results are becoming tailored to your location.
  4. Become a guest author – an easy way to gt your company out there is to write guest blog posts on other blogs. From TechCrunch to Huffington post, there are thousands of popular blogs on the internet. And the one thing all of these blogs want is more content.
  5. Write beginner’s guide – do you remember when companies used to write white papers? Although they are still effective, the new version of them are “Beginner’s guides”. These guides vary in length, but the one thing they have in common is that they are thorough.
  6. Start an affiliate program – if you don’t have the money to spend on marketing, you can always get people to market for you for free. The only thing you have to do is pay people for each sale they bring to you. Think of it as performance based marketing.
  7. Talk smack – the good part about having a blog is that it gives you an audience that you can communicate with. And when you tell them something, it will start spreading virally on the web.
  8. Ask for referrals – do you already have customers? If so, have you asked them for referrals? It’s a pretty effective approach as long as your current customers are happy with you.
  9. Leverage YouTube – not only do videos now appear in search result but you also can use them to show how good your products actually are. Blendtec has done this for years and it’s been effective. They don’t just claim that their blenders are powerful, but they also show you by blending things like bricks, iPhones, and other cool devices.

About the Author

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I’ve been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company. If you need Increase your SALES or SEO contact me.

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